Hello there. I am making a route for MSTS. Its the Namco Bahn based on the Hikari route that runs from Tokyo Uneo all the way to Kobe via Yokohama, Kamakura, Nagoya, Nara and Osaka ;D. But in Version 1.0 i am only making the route to go to Osaka only but i may extend it to Himeji via Kobe in V1.5 or V2.0 though ;D. The speed limit on the Bahn will be 350km/h on the HSL and 201km/h on the Local line too . Here are some pics of what i have done on the route so far .
Stage 1 i did use the Japan 1 textures but i was unhappy with these textures so i rebuilt the trackwork using the concrete textured track as in pic 2 below:
In the other 3 pictures below i have completed the trackwork out of Tokyo Ueno and its built up to Shin-Yokohama so far .
Please post any comments or questions you may have if you wish . I will post more pics as i build the route