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Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

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Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Mié Abr 06, 2011 8:34 am

How to TNT-fy Coaches and Freight!

If you want to make your own TNT scenarios,
You may encounter some of the your freights and/or coaches are not TNTfied!

TNTfying Coaches and Freight is VERY simple!

1. copy Coach.bin -> Coach_cnq.bin
2. SERZ the Coach_cnq.bin file
3. Edit Coach_cnq.xml with Notepad2.exe
4. ADD '-' to Coach name
5. GO to END of File
6. ADD these line <- Compare with existing one and ADD appropriately!!
7, SERZ again to BIN file

RailSImulator or RailSimularoUS , You CHOOSE one of them!

<Name d:type="cDeltaString">Kuju\RailSimulator\RailVehicles\Pass_message_script_cnq</Name>


<Name d:type="cDeltaString">Kuju\RailSimulatorUS\RailVehicles\Pass_message_script_cnq</Name>
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Mié Abr 13, 2011 9:26 am

CNQ TNT HLB Release:

CNQ Top and Tail - Default Stock V_5.1.rwp


As I announced before,
This version 5.1 has changed default MK3 BG_Modern to RA_BG_Mk3 for ALL default MK3 coaches!
In other others, it is AP MK3 sound ready package!

So, If you do not have AP Mk3 sound what happen!
Do not worry! NO Problem!

I have included

This is Bridging file to Default RW BG_Moderen MK3 Sound!

So, If you do not install AP MK3 sound, you will have Default RW Mk3 sound!

And if you install AP MK3 sound, it will overwrite RA_BG_Mk3.proxyxml,
so you will have AP Mk3 sound.

Later, If you uninstall AP MK3 Sound,
YOU SHOULD RECOPY RA_BG_Mk3.proxyxml from the package to revert to Default RW MK3 Sound!

What is Changed:
- Yes, MK3 Sound is AP ready!
- Some Second coaches(Default, FGW) had BUG!
I fixed them.

Now I am making RWD HST TNT Pack!
That will be AP MTU, VP_185, OV MK3, AP MK3 Sound ready, by the same technique!
And I think that package can cover MOST of the HST repaint in the RW world!

If you did miss some TNT package, or need special TNT pack,
visit railworks freeforum. That will have ALL the TNT series!

Still, UKTS guys are struggling with CLass166 Rear Screaming(Revving).
This TNT pack had ALREADY removed those nuisance.
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor locomoto » Vie Abr 15, 2011 2:43 pm

Thank you very much, Brianbwlim! :app: :app: :app:
Mensajes: 527
Registrado: Mié Ene 28, 2009 8:50 pm

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Mar Abr 19, 2011 7:42 am

CNQ TNT Project Release:

HST Collection TNT Compact Pack V1.0.rwp

This is a HST collection Pack from RWD team!
I have Added some HST from AP Extra Stock and others.

Detailed instruction are on ... nt-pack#28
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Mié Abr 20, 2011 12:50 am

V 1.1
HST Collection TNT Compact Pack V1.1.rwp

What is Changed:
- Some MK3 name correctrion
- East coast (43277) TFO letter B dropped!
- EastCoast Second coach fixed!(was first)
FIle name mk3tso_.bin->mk3tso.bin
- NXEC2 Second coach fixed
- OV GC now shows coach letters
- Ex-MML, FAG, Virgin Buffet fixed
Última edición por brianbwlim el Mié Abr 20, 2011 12:20 pm, editado 1 vez en total
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor lordsurfer » Mié Abr 20, 2011 11:57 am


No es por meter cizaña, pero en este hilo NO ME ENTERO DE NADA

Si alguien es tan amable de resumir y aclarar para neofitos como yo de que va esto se lo agradeceria ya que tanto mi ingles-vallecano y que el hombre este no pone fotos ni nada pues como que no me entero.

Gracias de antemano
Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 17
Registrado: Sab Ene 08, 2011 4:25 pm

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Mar Abr 26, 2011 7:33 am

CNT TNT Cabview HLB Notice:

Here is my idea...

- I will make Cabview HLB TNT version for every existing Locos.
- I will call it Night Train!
- So It will have name ***_night_cnq.bin

What is Cabview HLB TNT version:
- This version will have HLB turned-on EVERY time, regardless of Headlight switch operation.
- BUT,, HLB can be viewed inside Cab!

How to use of Cabview HLB TNT:
- First select any TNTfied scenario with night mode.
- Edit scenario.xml file and find every heading locos of any consists.
(You can find it very easily...)
- Replace that heading locos ***_cnq-xml -> ***_night_cnq.xml
- Then remake scenario.bin again.

General rules for Night TNT scenarios:
- You know TNT scenario name start with "-".
- So, Night TNT scenario will start with "+"
- Also the Locos name will start with "+"

What can you have with Night TNT scenario:
- Yes! you can have Cabview HLB....
- And it is expected other AI train passing by will have HLB turned -ON!
So, you can see Every AI train is running HLB on!
( I think it will be spectacular - because NOBODY have seen it within RW!!!)

Sorry, I can not edit scenarios:
- Do not worry, I will make Night TNT scenarios for RW Default for you!

For scenario writer:
- He knows scenarios mode(day/night), so he can select which TNT version to use!

As a by product of Cabview HLB process, I have modified HLB beam to look better foe winter season!!
If someone had run HLB on winter, you will notice Rectangular Beam Area!
-> Looks BAD! -> I made it to Oval style!!


This will be released as V6.0 as with MK1,MK2, AP sound ready functions!

** This is not general, but special solution...
But in this way I think we can have Cabview HLB for EVERY existing Locos!

This version will be released !!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Jue Abr 28, 2011 6:32 am

CNQ TNT V6.0 Release Pre Notice:

I have converted ALL Default scenarios to Night mode version (Except freeroam...)

So, With TNT V 6.0, you wil have 3 set of scenarios:
1. Default Set
2. TNT scenario Set
3. Night mode Set!

Which to run! Choice is up to you.

Night Mode - I've run it.... Ye! it is another experience... recommend to run when HOT SUMMER NIGHT! - since it is very COOL!


And Notice about Sound Bridging technique:

Current method has problem overwriting pre-installed AP sound Pack!
So I have changed it to more safe way!

You will have these Sound Bridging files:


These are bridging files to default RW sound.
So, If you want to use AP sound --> Copy corresponding AP proxyxml files to these files!!


V 6.0 will be released TODAY!!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Jue Abr 28, 2011 12:45 pm

Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor locomoto » Vie Abr 29, 2011 7:28 am

Thank you very much, Brianbwlim! Great work! :app: :app: :app:
Mensajes: 527
Registrado: Mié Ene 28, 2009 8:50 pm

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Sab Abr 30, 2011 10:23 am

CNQ TNT Project Release:

HST Collection TNT Compact Pack Version 1.2 is Out!

What is Changed:
- CabView HLB Added
- Sound Bridging method Changed

HST Collection TNT Compact Pack V_1.2.rwp ... nt-pack#38

This pack will cover 99% of HST Repaint!
No more Complaint to RSC about HST HLB!!!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Sab Abr 30, 2011 8:34 pm

CNQ TNT release:

Class 66 is TNTfied and had Cabview HLB! ... de-pack#40

I like Class 66 among the UK Locos!
Looks like it is NOT UK locos!
It is made form German?!

Anyway, Run Class 66 on Chill Night!!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Dom May 01, 2011 9:14 am

CNQ Top and Tail - Default Stock V_6.1.rwp ... light-beam

What is Changed:
- For some scenarios, for example, winter scenario or some misty night,
HLB beam looks too distinctive to the surroundings.
So, HLB texture is updated for better natural Look!!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Mar May 03, 2011 1:13 pm

CNQ TNT release:

Class 158 is TNTfied and had Cabview HLB!

Class 158 TNT+NIGHT (S9BL).rwp

See TNT and HLB Thread!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Jue May 05, 2011 7:43 am

CNQ TNT release:

Class 37 is TNTfied and had Cabview HLB!

Class 37 TNT+NIGHT (RSC).rwp

See TNT and HLB Thread!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am


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